*FREE SHIPPING on orders over $99, and 2 FREE Coat Hooks with every order for the month of May!*

About Us

  NEW! Check out our new behind-the-scenes promo video--check out our process, and get to know the faces behind 'ThatFamilyShop'!

   As you cross the creek and ride the gravel road past our driveway, not much will catch your eye at first glance. Perhaps a few chickens will wander closer to your tires than they should, but most of them will be too busy sneaking into our gardens to make an appearance. If not for the dense woods, you might glimpse someone harvesting a couple trees, repairing fences or taking a horse ride. If you stopped your engine to listen, you might hear the radio leaking faintly from the workshop, or the cows mooing after their dinner, or even the distant rhythmic thunder of a family band practice. Be that as it may, as you coast by, you'll most likely sigh and marvel to yourself at the simple peace and tranquility of it all. That assessment would be at least partially accurate...

  Eleven members make the Lund family (shown are the main shop contributors), including Mom and Dad. It was the mid-2000's, and as the eldest of us siblings were reaching our mid-teens, we did something pretty cool. We purchased a piece of land near Lake Superior, built a sustainable home together, and went from hobby-farming to full-time homesteading. During that time we developed our artistic abilities with wood and other mediums. What began as a side-business selling items to neighbors and friends became a full-time-job when we discovered Etsy, and ThatFamilyShop was born!

Goals and Commitments

  Our items are as natural and eco-friendly as we can make them. This means careful thinning of trees from our own forest, recycling wood waste as mulch and firewood, and using non-toxic paints and finishes. Instead of polyurethane, we use 100% natural Hempseed oil to coat most of our indoor items, which enhances the beauty of the grain and allows the wood to breath. When more protection against the elements is needed, we use a high-quality, low-voc urethane with a whey base.


Members and Process

  When you purchase one of our items, it will likely require the work of several different pairs of hands to be completed.

  Andrew would’ve answered any questions or special requests beforehand. He oversees our small but well-equipped workshop, creating many of the items.

However, if you purchased a sword, this would be Michael's domain. He would craft your weapon, and bring it to Annie who specializes in pyrography or "woodburning". After those special details were added, the sword would be finished and handed to Dad for packaging. Finally, Johnny would run your box out to the mail.













At the end of the day, we're grateful for each others' contributions, and for the thousands of customers who have supported us over the years. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day! SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave
